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 What's "FIELDCATCH®"?

"FIELDCATCH®" is reusable device for monitoring agricultural insects. The shape are 3 types (FLAT, PENT. and BOX/WING) and their glue boards are water- and light- resisitant. You can select the shape of device and lure by target insects.

 How to use (The shape of device & target insects)

Shape of device Target insects
FLAT type Citrus leafminer
Oriental fruit fly
PENT. type Citrus leafminer
Bluegrass webworm
Oriental fruit fly
Japanese mealybug
BOX type Bean bug
Unibanded stink bug
Rice bug

 Specification & appearance

Device & glue board

FLAT type Total 1 Unit
Plate 12 2
Flat holder 6 1
Lure holder 6 1
String 6 1


PENT. type Total 1 Unit
Plate 36 6
Pent holder 12 2
String 6 1

BOX type Total 1 Unit
Plate 24 4
Box holder 12 2
Lure holder 6 1
String 6 1


Glue board 48

5 Lure list

lure list
Bean bug(Riptortus clavatus) Riptortus clavatus

The bean bug is one of the most harmful pests of soybean in the hypertrophy stage. Both adult and nymph bean bugs sting the beans in the pods and suck their juice, so that the beans cannot mature, and the pods discolor and/or drop off their haulm.
Adults are 14 to 17 mm in size and have a variety of body colors from dark brown to red brown. Nymphs have black bodies and are similar to ants. In the temperate zone, the bugs appear two or three times per year and overwinter in the adult stage.

Bean bug lure
The lure contains an aggregation pheromone that attracts nymphs, males and female adults. The lures are available for only monitoring of the bugs.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
 Rice bug (Leptocorisa chinensis) Leptocorisa chinensis

The rice bug is a harmful pest infesting the milky stage of rice. Both adult and nymph rice bugs sting rice in the husk and suck the juice, so that the rice cannot mature or matures with deformed grains.
Adults are 15 to 17 mm in size. They have long legs, antennae and a slender yellowish-green body. In the temperate zone, the bugs appear two or three times per year and overwinter in the adult stage.

 Rice bug lure
The lure contains an aggregation pheromone that attracts nymphs, males and female adults. The lures are available only for monitoring the bugs.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
 Unibanded stink bug(Piezodorus hybneri)
The unibanded stink bug is a serious pest of soybean and the other leguminous plants. 
Both adult and nymph sting the seeds in the pods and suck their juice, causing quality reduction and/or yield loss. 
Adults are 9 to 11mm in size and have a light yellow-green body with a red or white horizontal stripe in the pronotum.  Nymph is 1.3 to 8 mm in size and has a black or light-brown body in early age and a red or light yellow-green body in old age.  The unibanded stink bugs appear several times a year and overwinter in the nymphal stage in Japan.
Piezodorus hybneri
 Unibanded stink bug lure
The lure contains aggregation pheromones that attract adults.  The lures are available only for monitoring the redbanded shield bug.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
 Citrus leafminer (Phyllocnistis citrella)

The citrus leafminer is a serious pest of citrus and some related ornamental plants. Larvae enter the leaf and begin feeding. Larvae make serpentine mines on young leaves and shoots, resulting leaf curling and serious injury. The leaf damage help spread citrus canker.
Adults are 4 mm in size and have a white-gray body with a black spot on each wingtip and long hair behind the wings. Larvae are 3 to 4 mm in size and have a light green body. Leafminers appear ten to eleven times per year and overwinter in the adult stage.

Phyllocnistis citrella*
 Citrus leafminer lure
The lure contains a sex pheromone that attracts male adults. The lures are available for only monitoring of the citrus leafminer.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
 Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis)

Oriental fruit fly is a serious pest of citrus, tomato, green pepper, banana, papaya, mango, guava and other plants. The infestation cause complete losses of crops. It is a tropical species that is widespread through much of the mainland of Southern Asia, Taiwan and Hawaii. Adults are 7.5 mm in size. It appears several times per year.

Bactrocera dorsalis*
 Oriental fruit fly lure
The lure attracts male adults. The lures are available for only monitoring of oriental fruit fly.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
 Japanese mealybug (Planococcus kuraunhiae)

The Japanese mealybug is a serious pest of fruit trees (e.g., persimmon and grapevine) and garden trees (e.g., wisteria and Japanese cheesewood).
Much honeydew that they secrete can cause sooty mold.
Female adults are oval and 2.5-4 mm long. Their back is covered with white mealy wax. Male adults are about 2 mm long.
The species appears three times per year from early in April to early in November and overwinters in the second larva stage.

Planococcus kuraunhiae
 Japanese mealybug lure
The lure contains a sex pheromone that attracts male adults.
It is available for only monitoring of the Japanese mealybug.
The lure can be stored for six months after its manufacture.
It can be stored for seven to eight months, being kept in a refrigerator.
(For details of its storage, see an instruction attached the lure.)
 Southern green stink bug (Nezara viridula)

The southern green stink bug is a serious pest of soybean and rice.
The bug is highly polyphagous. 145 species within 32 plant families have been recorded as hosts.
It can cause peck damage by feeding injury for rice.
Adults are 12-16 mm long and green. They have variation in body color.
The bug appears 3-4 times a year and overwinters in the adult stage.
It has a worldwide distribution, occurring throughout the tropical, subtropical and temperate regions of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.

Nezara viridula
 Southern green stink bug lure
The lure contains an aggregation pheromone that attracts both adults and nymphs.
It is available for only monitoring of the southern green stink bug.
The lure can be stored for one year after its manufacture.
But the active life may become shorter than one month by use under high temperature.
 Bluegrass webworm (Parapediasia teterrella)

The bluegrass webworm is a pest of lawns in a golf course, a park and a sports ground.
Adults are nocturnal and the larvae feed on its sprouts.
Adult body color is light gray.
Adult body sizes are 8-9mm and female is larger than male.

Parapediasia teterrella
 Bluegrass webworm lure
The lure contains a sex pheromone that attracts male adults.
It is available for only monitoring of the bluegrass webworm.
The lure can be stored for one year after manufacture.
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