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 Drugstore beetle ( Stegobium paniceum )

Adults are 2.5-3.0 mm long and their body color is dark brown. Larvae infest grain, dried seeds, herb medicines, Pet food and dried foods.
Females lay about 70 eggs during their life. Larvae develop into adults in 1.5-2 months.
The beetles occur 2-3 times per year.

Drugstore beetle
  Carpet beetle ( Anthrenus verbasci )

Adults are about 2.5 mm, their bodies have black with a various pattern of white, yellow and brown scales on wing cover. Larvae infest animal and plant substances such as woolen goods, insect collections, museum specimens as well as grains and spices. Carpet beetle has one generation per year and passes the winter in the larvae stage. Adults usually emerge in May to June. Females lay 30 to 70 eggs during their lifetime.

Red flour beetle
 What's "HIRESIS®"?

"HIRESIS®" is monitor for drugstore beetle and carpet beetle.
The monitoring device is designed to be put on the wall.
It releases a pheromone or its mimic* to attract male of target insects, which are captured by a glue board.

The device has very high attraction and capture ability.

* Pheromone mimic has a similar structure of natural pheromone and same effect of pheromone.

Food processing factory, container, warehouse of food materials and processed foods, etc.


"HIRESIS®" is used for early detection of the occurrence of target insects and determination of the sources of their occurrence.

Furthermore, HIRESIS® provides the following function by counting the number in facilities.
  ・Survey on seasonal variation in occurrance
  ・Check in pest control, etc.

 For safety

The lure for drugstore beetle and carpet beetle contains minute amount of synthetic sex pheromone and sex pheromone mimic, respectively.

The lure contains no harmful materials and insecticide and is thus designed human- and enviromment-friendly.

 How to use

Put the device on the wall or the suitable location.
Recomendation : Height 1.5 m above the floor
            Interval 5 to 10 m apart
Replacement : one month after opening

Place the devices away from manufacturing lines so as to avoid attracting adults that could contaminate the products.
The devices should be placed at more than 10~20 m away from entrance to avoid attracting adults that are living out doors.

 Shelf life and storage

The shelf life is one year after the manufacturing date.
Use up the products within the expiration date.
Keep the products in the dark, cool and dry conditions.
Storing the lures in a refrigerator will cause them to deterioate.

  Specifications & appearance

・Glue board 10PCS, Sex lure 10PCS(1Package)/Case

・100PCS/Carton (10Case/Carton)

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