How to use Monitoring data
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Monitoring data provide the number of insects captured by each device within a certain period. To obtain objective and reliable data, five monitoring rules must be observed: (1) keep the number of devices constant, (2) do not change the spacing between devices,
(3) do not change the device arrangement, (4) maintain a constant time interval between surveys, and (5) maintain a constant device replacement cycle.
Analysis of these data can utilize as follows.
 Surveys of seasonal variations in occurrence Seasonal prevalence graphs are useful for indicating the time when insects occur.
Furthermore, they suggesst when control measure should be implemented.
 Early detection of occurrence Monitoring device using pheromone is suitable for early detection of occurrence because it can capture the target insects in their low density. [View]
 Distribution & Source of infestation By comparing monitoring data of each device arrangement, distribution of insects and their source of occurrence can be determined. [View]
 Detection of abnormal occurrence Abnormal occurrence can be detected by comparing the seasonal insect variations in occurrence that can be obtained from monitoring data accumulated over 3 years or more with current situation. [View]
 Evaluation of control Efficacy of control measure can be evaluated by comparison of monitoring data before and after implementing it. [View]
 Comparison of management level Management level is defined by value reflected both the mean number of catches and distribution of insects at the surveyed sites. In case of a large mean number of catches or widespread distribution, value of management level become larger and any farther control measures are required. Evaluation of management level enables to compare management satiation at each surveyed site. [View]
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